About FIXUS Mobilis
There are more than 26 000 immovable cultural heritage objects listed individually or as part of a complex on the National Cultural Heritage Register in Lithuania. Cultural heritage in the country combines various types of objects, from small vernacular architecture to majestic public, defensive or sacral buildings, from wooden to masonry structures.
Project FIXUS Mobilis aims to improve the management of cultural heritage by increasing preventive care. The main goal of this project is to create a new system of preventive monitoring and maintenance for cultural heritage objects, including raising heritage managers’ and owners’ awareness of the subject and strengthening practical skills.
Interested owners and managers of cultural heritage objects are invited to fill in the object selection Questionnaire and apply for free preventive maintenance services. After objects are selected publicly, their owners are consulted by specially assembled mobile teams, which also perform small preventive maintenance works.
These teams, or mobile workshops, investigate and report on the conditions of selected objects, consult owners and managers, perform small management – emergency threat elimination works, prepare an individual calendar preventive maintenance plan.
The result of this work is strengthened knowledge of cultural heritage owners and managers about their possessed objects and preventive maintenance, as well as prevention of major damages, which would result in excessive restoration works in the future. The project includes public presentations, consultations, seminars and workshops for communities and cultural heritage owners and managers.
Training provides an opportunity to improve practical preventive care skills. Please, follow the News for more information.
The teams are planning to provide services to 200 objects during the 3–year project implementation period. Continuity period after project implementation – 5 years.